Alain Pinsonneault, Member of GReSI & Professor of IS, McGill Univ., and Yinan Yu, Post-doctoral Research Fellow in IS, McGill Univ.

When Paying for Reviews Pays Off: The Case of Performance-Contingent Monetary Incentives. Several online review platforms offer monetary incentives to motivate content generation in recent years. However, many studies have consistently shown that monetary incentives rewarding the completion of reviews tend to increase review quantity but significantly undermine quality. This research note extends the extant literature by examining the effects of monetary incentives rewarding review quality (i.e., performance-contingent monetary incentives) on both the quantity and quality of reviews. We take advantage of a natural experiment research design to analyze a large dataset collected from a restaurant review platform. Interestingly, the evidence shows that performance-contingent incentives have positive impacts on both review quality and quality. Further, review valence does not appear to be significantly inflated because of the incentives. This study complements past research by demonstrating the effects of a performance-contingent reward on reviewer behaviors. Our results can also help guide platform managers to design more efficient and effective reward policies. Keywords: performance-contingent monetary incentives, online review, review quality, review quantity, natural experiment

Gerit Wagner, PhD Candidate (Univ. of Regensburgh); visiting student, Research Chair in Digital Health

Classifying the Ideational Impact of IS Review Articles: A Natural Language Processing Based Approach. By providing knowledge contributions and stimulating future research, review articles (RAs) play a vital role for cumulative knowledge development. Although many papers cite RAs, it is rarely transparent to which degree citation impact represents perfunctory citations as opposed to a deeper engagement with a RA’s knowledge contributions. This distinction between perfunctory and ideational impact has largely been neglected in the literature arguably because of the manual effort required for qualitative analysis. Against this background, our study aims at developing automated classifiers of ideational impact of IS RAs. We propose a machine learning model based on natural language processing to evaluate the feasibility of automated analyses. The evaluation results provide evidence for an effective and scalable classification approach that presents a reliable and reproducible solution to the ideational impact classification problem. We discuss implications for improving the capabilities of understanding how IS scholars build on their field’s body of knowledge.

Simon Bourdeau, Member of GReSI & Associate Prof., Dept. of Management and Technology, EGS / UQAM, Dragos Vieru, Member of GReSI & Professor of IT, TÉLUQ Univ., and Thibaut Coulon, Leturer at HEC Montréal and ESG / UQAM

Gestion d’infrastructures technologiques et applicatives par les organisations publiques : Enjeux et pratiques d’évolution et de durabilité (Titre provisoire). L’objectif du projet de recherche est d’identifier et de documenter les enjeux auxquels sont confrontées les organisations publiques en termes de gestion d’infrastructures technologiques et applicatives ainsi que les pratiques déployées pour surmonter ces enjeux et optimiser la gestion de ces infrastructures. Plus précisément, le projet focalise sur les pratiques déployées afin de prolonger la durabilité de ces infrastructures ainsi que les moyens utilisés pour faire face aux défis liés à la constante évolution technologique. Dans un premier temps, afin d’identifier les principaux défis liés à l’évolution et à la maintenance des infrastructures informatiques, une revue de la littérature académique et professionnelle a été effectuée. Dans un second temps, la méthode Delphi a été utilisée afin d’identifier les enjeux et les pratiques déployées par les OP et les organisations privées pour optimiser la gestion de leurs infrastructures technologiques et applicatives. Cette méthode permet à un panel d’experts de communiquer et d’échanger, de manière interactive et structurée, afin d’identifier, de sélectionner et de classer différentes idées comme, par exemple, des enjeux, des facteurs clés de succès ou encore des bonnes pratiques.

Dragos Vieru, Member of GReSI & Professor of IT, TÉLUQ Univ.

Exploring While Exploiting: How IT service providers create interorganizational ambidexterityThe ability to combine exploitation, (i.e. optimizing existing processes and products), and exploration, (i.e. searching for new and innovative approaches towards technology, business processes, or markets), is called ambidexterity and seen as an important driver of sustainable economic success. We study how companies use interorganizational collaboration in order to efficiently balance exploration and exploitation and extend their ambidexterous capabilities in the context of small and medium size IT service providers. Preliminary findings suggest that the companies we have studied are aware of the challenge and have found different practices to ensure not only enough space for collaborative exploration with their partners and clients but also to use innovation to improve their routine operations.

Manju K. Ahuja, Professor and Univ. Scholar, Computer IS, College of Business / Univ. of Louisville

Trading well-being for productivity: A resource drain theory approach to examine drivers and outcomes of mobile addictionWhile acknowledging the many benefits of anytime-anywhere connectivity, recent research has called for further investigation into the adaptive and maladaptive side of mobile technology use responsible for blurring the boundary between work and non-work contexts. By relying on resource drain theory, we investigate how family-work conflict (FWC) and competitive climate affect individual mobile addiction (maladaptive dependence on mobile technologies) and subsequently individual productivity and well-being. We conducted a field study across two measurement periods involving 324 individuals and their partners. Our results suggest that both individual (e.g., FWC) and organizational (e.g., competitive climate) factors, as well and their interaction, affect mobile addiction, which, in turn, impacts productivity and well-being. Moreover, our study points out that the joint effect of FWC and competitive climate affects productivity and well-being through mobile addiction. The study contributes by developing a more complete picture of the drivers and outcomes of mobile addiction, as well as its relationship with family and work boundaries. We discuss the implications of our findings both for theory and for practice, and outline directions for future research.

J.J. Po-An Hsieh, Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer IS, Robinson College of Bus. / Georgia State Univ.

Value Co-Creation through Data Sharing Platform: The Role of Managerial Intervention. When customers need products/services beyond a firm’s provisioning, the firm can team up with other firms and sell complementary products/services through cross-selling. Since cross-selling typically involves sharing customer data among partners, electronic data sharing platform is commonly used to facilitate this value co-creation practice. To understand the performance impact of electronic data sharing platform requires investigation of partnering firms’ platform use at the same time. However, little is known in this regard as the extant IS literature typically studies organizational use of information system only from the perspective of a single firm. Toward this end, we develop a model that examines the antecedents, consequences, and contingencies of partnering firms’ simultaneous use of data sharing platform. To test the model and hypotheses, we collected a panel data from 166 pairs of partnering firms that cross-sell insurance products. This dataset consists of objective customer data shared across firms, platform usage log, and interfirm cross-selling performance, as well as subjective survey responses from IT heads and marketing managers. Our findings reveal (1) how data sharing platform use by distinct types of partners differentially affects cross-selling performance, 2) the managerial interventions that facilitate the performance impacts, and 3) the preconditions of data sharing platform use. We further discuss the implications to simultaneously consider multiple firms’ use of data sharing platform for the purpose of value co-creation.

Shamel Addas,  Assistant Professor of IS, Smith School of Business / Queen’s University

Telemonitoring Technology and Behavioral Outcomes for Chronically-Ill Patients: The Role of the Feedback Ecosystem. Telemonitoring technologies are widely used to help patients manage their chronic diseases. However, our understanding of how telemonitoring influences patient-related outcomes is limited. Drawing upon feedback intervention theory, the paper develops a model that examines how a telemonitoring feedback ecosystem (patient, telemonitoring technology, care provider) is related to patient behavioral outcomes. More precisely, we study the impact of different types of technology alerts (medical, compliance) on the provision of different types of feedback (personal, corrective, and velocity) given by care providers, and how the feedback in turn is related to patient adaptation and ultimately calls to 911. Using generalized linear mixed modeling, we tested our hypotheses with longitudinal data from 212 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and/or chronic heart failure (CHF). The patients were observed in a telemonitoring program for 26 weeks. Our results show that medical alerts had a linear positive association with all three types of feedback provided (personal, velocity, and corrective). By contrast, compliance alerts had curvilinear relationships with personal and corrective feedback. Our results also show that personal feedback and velocity feedback were associated with increases in patient adaptations. And patient adaptation was negatively related to the odds of calling 911. Interestingly, we found a significant negative interaction between corrective and velocity feedback and patient adaptation. Our study also shows that the effects of telemonitoring are different for patients with CHF than for patients with COPD. Finally, our results show that while the frequency of feedback decreased over the life of the program, the amount of adaptations increased over the same period, which suggests that patient self-management improved over time. By examining a telemonitoring-based feedback ecosystem, our study contributes to the health IT and chronic disease management literature and to practice as well.

Christine Legner, Full Professor, Dept. of IS, HEC Lausanne (Visiting prof., Dept. of IT, HEC Montréal)

Assessing and Improving the Effective Use of Information Systems – A Framework and Field Study of Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems Use in Clinical Care. Frequent statements are made that information technology will revolutionize the delivery of patient care. Despite these promises, there is strong evidence of a gap between the potentials of electronic health record (EHR) systems and their fit with physicians’ work practices. In this paper, we build on the concept of organizational routines and the theory of affordances to suggest a framework for studying EHR system’s effective use. Our framework explains system design as the creation of affordances and system use as the actualization of affordances. Based on the framework, we suggest two strategies, namely the educational and the design intervention, to improve the effective use of EHR systems in healthcare organizations. We demonstrate how our framework can be operationalized and used in a field study. We identify differences in physicians’ EHR system use based on objective measurements (i.e. system logs, eye-tracking and observational data), before and after an educational intervention, and relate these differences to specific user interface elements that were not actualized in routine execution.

Anthony Vance, Associate Prof. of IS, Marriott School of Business / BYU (Visiting professor, Tech3Lab)

Tuning Out Security Warnings: A Longitudinal Examination of Habituation Through fMRI, Eye Tracking, and Field Experiments. Research in the fields of information systems and human-computer interaction has shown that habituation— decreased response to repeated stimulation—is a serious threat to the effectiveness of security warnings. Although habituation is a neurobiological phenomenon that develops over time, past studies have only examined this problem cross-sectionally. Further, past studies have not examined how habituation influences actual security warning adherence in the field. For these reasons, the full extent of the problem of habituation is unknown.

Robert W. Gregory, Assistant Prof., Information Systems Dept., IESE Business School / Univ. of Navarra

Dialectics of Digital Business Strategy Execution. The extant literature on digital business strategy defines what digital business strategy is, outlines the context in which such a strategy has arisen (i.e., scope, scale, speed, and new sources of value creation), and offers empirical observations concerning the challenges and process of digital business strategy formulation. Digital business strategy execution in incumbent organizations, on the other hand, remains largely under-explored. Significant anecdotal evidence and nascent research findings suggest that organizational members in incumbent firms embarking on digital business strategy are confronted with ongoing salient tensions. These include, for example, oppositions between investing in digital artifacts for long-term value creation and exploiting the artifacts for short-term value appropriation (Woodard et al. 2013), as well as building digital platforms that rely on standardization for scalability and simultaneously allowing for high degrees of differentiation to adapt the platform to changing business demands (Gregory et al. 2015).

Roundtable (discussion) animated by Ann-Frances Cameron, Department of IT, HEC Montréal

Promoting my own research: Should I and how? A round-table discussion between participants on promotion of one’s own research. Discussion on which methods people should use to promote both research in progress and published journal articles and whether those methods are recommended. Below are a few online articles which can provide useful tips.

Pierre-Emmanuel Arduin, Associate Professor, Université Paris-Dauphine

Sécurité des systèmes d’information : technologies, personnes, et menaces intérieures. Depuis que les Hommes communiquent, ils ont mis en œuvre des technologies pour supporter l’échange d’informations. Du réseau de torches de l’armée romaine à l’Internet en passant par l’imprimerie et le télégraphe, ces technologies ont induit des menaces qui ont dues être appréhendées pour assurer la sécurité des informations transmises. La sécurité des systèmes d’information est souvent regardée au travers d’un prisme se focalisant sur les technologies. Or depuis toujours une autre menace existe indépendamment des technologies. Prenant notamment appui sur la littérature en knowledge management, les recherches présentées dans cette conférence s’intéressent à la sécurité des systèmes d’information en considérant les individus comme des composants à part entière du système d’information : ils sont processeurs d’informations et porteurs de connaissances. Ils sont susceptibles, tout comme n’importe quel ordinateur ou technologie, de constituer une menace intérieure pour la sécurité du système d’information.

Jinglu Jiang, PhD Candidate, & Ann-Frances Cameron, Director of GReSI, Dept. of IT, HEC Montréal

Exploring IT-Enabled Self-Monitoring as an Opportunity for Chronic Disease Management: An Interdisciplinary Review. Self-monitoring is a strategy patients use to manage their chronic disease. Technological advances such as mobile apps, sensing devices, wearable technologies, and web-based tracking programs have made IT-based self-monitoring (IT-SM) an interesting opportunity for chronic disease management. Since IT-SM is multidisciplinary in nature and our understanding is fragmented, a systematic examination of the literature is performed to compare research from various disciplines and build a holistic understanding of the phenomenon. Specifically, we review 140 studies published in 87 journals and conferences between 2006 and 2016. Using task-technology fit framework and chronic care model, we identified four thematic areas: IT-SM intervention studies, user studies, IT-SM impact studies, and studies examining the intermediary processes of IT-SM. We perform in-depth analysis and synthesis of the literature in each theme and across areas. We identity the gaps and provide potential direction for future research on IT-SM in chronic care.

Suzanne Rivard & Gregory Vial, Members of GReSI, Department of IT, HEC Montréal

Performing sociomateriality – Comprendre ce qu’est « être agile » dans un projet de développement de système. Cette présentation s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une étude portant sur ce que signifie « être agile » dans un projet de développement de système d’information. Prenant appui sur des études de cas multiples et l’analyse de données riches collectées dans des projets agiles en cours ou récemment achevés, nous proposons une explication basée sur l’observation qu’être agile, c’est faire face à des contradictions et performer différentes pratiques pour y répondre. Pour bâtir cette explication, l’ontologie de la sociomatérialité est mobilisée comme appareil permettant d’aborder la fusion entre les éléments sociaux et matériels pertinents dans le cadre des projets de développement agiles où le temps joue un rôle particulier. Cette présentation inclura des éléments explicatifs quant au—long— cheminement épistémologique, méthodologique et ontologique qui nous a amenés à adopter la sociomatérialité pour la conduite de ce projet.

Michael Bliemel, Rowe School of Business / Dalhousie University (Joint event Dept. of  TI – GReSI)

Social Analytics for Business. Organizations today can leverage the analytics of social media data to generate insight and business value using cloud based tools such as IBM Watson Analytics for Social Media (WASM). We engaged in a pilot to develop curriculum that teaches business students the benefits and challenges of social analytics, with an emphasis on critical thinking and interpretation of the results. We implemented the curriculum in a module of our graduate and undergraduate business analytics courses, which take place in our Executive Analytics classroom which was designed for hands-on team based learning with technology. The format of the activity follows a flipped classroom approach, where the readings were assigned as homework and the class time has the instructor demonstrating the social analytics process, and the class subsequently repeating the lesson on their computers. Students were then given the opportunity to build new analyses related to their term projects or any topic which interested them to reinforce the lessons learned. Based on the learning reflection submissions from the class, the majority of students were able to identify the strengths and limitations of analyzing data generated from social media.

HEC – Queen’s University Joint Conference

Various research presentations (work in program) by PhD students and professors.